Friday, May 9, 2008

New tools from Golden Artist Colors

I'm just back from the NAMTA show in Reno, Nevada. What a great time! The NAMTA show brings together art manufacturers from all over the country. I was invited by Golden to come up and check out the scene as well as get some advanced training in two new and exciting products Golden has out.

I'm blown away by both of these new products.
OPEN is going to change the way acrylic painters work, hands down. It's amazing and unbelievable! I was literally speechless. And for those of you who know me personally, you know I'm not without words very often! I can only say that it takes me back to my years of oil painting and really satisfies that oil-like feel I wanted in acrylic.

The other new product - Digital Topcoats or
Mix More Media is equally stunning to me from a printmaker's point of view. I have already been working with mixed media in digital and traditional prints. But this is going to blow the lid off of mixed media.

You know that old saying, "the one with the most toys wins"? Well I feel like I've just been given two of the shiniest toys on the block. All the other kids will be jealous! Stay tuned for these two new toys to blow up in my studio and my work. Workshops will be forthcoming so you can come and play with my new toys

New tools from Golden Artist Colors

I'm just back from the NAMTA show in Reno, Nevada. What a great time! The NAMTA show brings together art manufacturers from all over the country. I was invited by Golden to come up and check out the scene as well as get some advanced training in two new and exciting products Golden has out.

I'm blown away by both of these new products.
OPEN is going to change the way acrylic painters work, hands down. It's amazing and unbelievable! I was literally speechless. And for those of you who know me personally, you know I'm not without words very often! I can only say that it takes me back to my years of oil painting and really satisfies that oil-like feel I wanted in acrylic.

The other new product - Digital Topcoats or
Mix More Media is equally stunning to me from a printmaker's point of view. I have already been working with mixed media in digital and traditional prints. But this is going to blow the lid off of mixed media.

You know that old saying, "the one with the most toys wins"? Well I feel like I've just been given two of the shiniest toys on the block. All the other kids will be jealous! Stay tuned for these two new toys to blow up in my studio and my work. Workshops will be forthcoming so you can come and play with my new toys